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» The Past and Present Situation in Urban Transportation Engineering
The Past and Present Situation in Urban Transportation Engineering
The Past and Present Situation in Urban Transportation Engineering Congestion has been cited as evidence that all is not well with our urban areas. But congestion is not a new phenomenon. For example, some historians have attributed the decline of Rome to it. In 1635 the high cost of living in London was attributed to extreme congestion and the costly delays in bringing in hay and provender; and even the London fire of 1666 did not improve the situation since reconstruction kept the old antiquated street layouts. Successive improvements in transportation engineering means, such as the electric street car followed by the automobile and motor bus, and now freeways and sophisticated traffic control schemes, have done little to alleviate the problem. Today, all large cities in both the developed and developing nations still have congestion problems, at least at morning and evening peak hours. But there may be at least one important difference from the past in the developed nations. In earlier years there was "poverty and congestion"; today there is, to a degree, "affluence and congestion," complicated by energy considerations. It follows that resources probably can be made available to apply corrective measures, but effective stratagems are yet to be proved and the political means to carry them out are only now evolving. And it may be that eliminating all congestion is impossible, since it seems to accompany healthy economic activity.
Today many planners, politicians, and others attribute urban congestion and other ills of our cities to the private automobile and the construction of highways to serve them. Underlying this has been prosperity. After World War II, greater affluence made automobile and home ownership feasible for most of the population and brought the flight away from deteriorating close-in areas to the suburbs with their dispersed living and low-density land use. Then, to serve these suburbs, private investors brought shopping and other services and public agencies provided highways transportation which made motor vehicle travel easy both downtown and around the circumference. In addition, newly developing light industry located in the suburbs, and many existing firms found it advantageous to leave the downtown areas.10 The incentives in each case were cheaper land with easy, quick access and space for parking, a favorable tax situation, and attractive suburban driving which made a supply of skilled labor available. For such reasons as these, many urban areas are almost completely oriented to the automobile. This is dramatically demonstrated by the statistic that, nationwide in 1976, private expenditures for transportation engineering went 97% to the private auto, 2% to transit (not including its roughly equal public subsidy), and 1% to taxicabs.

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Author: aditya
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Author: aditya
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